Aust. Curric Geography Review

Along with English Skills Practice trial booklet published by R.I.C Publications I was sent
Australian Curriculum: GEOGRAPHY – A diverse and connected world. (Year 6)

A teachers best friend I am going to call this book. Being a teacher in their first year out it is an understatement that it can be over whelming and combine it with the Australian Curriculum and trying to understand it all, you can sometimes seem a bit lost.

The series of books is directly linked the curriculum! Very very (and one more just for luck) very handy. At only $42.95 it could become your new best friend when designing your unit.

The book starts off with a ‘Teacher Notes’ section, this includes how to use the resource and how everything connects to the Australian curriculum.
It contains great student planning sheets for them to plan out their investigations and record references as well as questions and answers.

The resources contains many activities for students along with each activity is a page with teacher notes.
The teacher page includes, general notes, background information, resources, links to the curriculum, geography vocabulary and concepts and additional activities.

This resource could be used as is, as a jumping off point and it could be great for differentiation. Some students benefit from worksheets as a guide or a task where as others may need starting point. This depends on you knowing your students and how they will learn best.

I have already purchased the year 6 History resource and plan on buying the science resource when needed.

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